How to Pass Premises Technician Test

How to Pass Premises Technician Test Reviewer 

I took the test and I passed it and passed the interview and got a job offer.

You are smart to do your research. AT&T is a great company, but you first have to pass the Mechanical Assessment test. 
This is an outline of what you can expect on the test. From what I hear they do change it every so often. But if you research and study all the topics outlined below you have just as good a chance as any mechanically inclined joe on the street.

The most important resource that can help you pass the test is by studying the ASVAB also known as Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery,
You can buy the book online or go to your nearest library.


4 Guy wire questions 

guy-wire or guy-rope, also known as simply a guy, is a tensioned cable designed to add stability to a free-standing structure.

pic from wikipedia 

Notice the antenna is supported by several cables.

4 "25-Pair" questions 

The first group of colors is, in order: white, red, black, yellow, violet.

The second group of colors is, in order: blue, orange, green, brown, slate.
To help you remember this 2 sets of color code just remember. "We Ride Big Yellow Vans Because Old Guys Break Stuff"

2 Abstract logic questions

 You have to imagine and what completes a serials of images

2 binary translation questions
If you are able to answer this, then you have a bright future ahead of you.

4 torque / leverage questions

Think of levers, at what point will there be the greatest leverage.

6 ratio questions

Think of Gears and pulleys, if one gear turns clock-wise, which way will the other gears turn.

4 percentage & logic questions

Simple percentage questions and logic questions

2 acceleration questions

This will be questions regarding speed, and how much friction it will take to stop an object that is in motion.

4 Trick Questions

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Mr. Rebates

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  1. Thank you, I wanted to know what type of a book I needed to prepare for the test and you provided. Thank you. I will do the same.

  2. Thanks for the comment @Adonis Noel.

    I am glad this post was able to help you prepare for the test and be confident in passing it. The best of luck, and wish you the best year yet.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. It is a easy test, don't worry.
    If you're mechanical inclined, you'll pass.

    1. How do you pass the AT&T premises tech test?

