How to Pass Premises Technician Test

How to Pass Premises Technician Test Reviewer 

I took the test and I passed it and passed the interview and got a job offer.

You are smart to do your research. AT&T is a great company, but you first have to pass the Mechanical Assessment test. 
This is an outline of what you can expect on the test. From what I hear they do change it every so often. But if you research and study all the topics outlined below you have just as good a chance as any mechanically inclined joe on the street.

The most important resource that can help you pass the test is by studying the ASVAB also known as Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery,
You can buy the book online or go to your nearest library.


4 Guy wire questions 

guy-wire or guy-rope, also known as simply a guy, is a tensioned cable designed to add stability to a free-standing structure.

pic from wikipedia 

Notice the antenna is supported by several cables.

4 "25-Pair" questions 

The first group of colors is, in order: white, red, black, yellow, violet.

The second group of colors is, in order: blue, orange, green, brown, slate.
To help you remember this 2 sets of color code just remember. "We Ride Big Yellow Vans Because Old Guys Break Stuff"

2 Abstract logic questions

 You have to imagine and what completes a serials of images

2 binary translation questions
If you are able to answer this, then you have a bright future ahead of you.

4 torque / leverage questions

Think of levers, at what point will there be the greatest leverage.

6 ratio questions

Think of Gears and pulleys, if one gear turns clock-wise, which way will the other gears turn.

4 percentage & logic questions

Simple percentage questions and logic questions

2 acceleration questions

This will be questions regarding speed, and how much friction it will take to stop an object that is in motion.

4 Trick Questions

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For more info:

Att Premises Technician Assessment PTA

Att Premises Technician Assessment PTA

Stay on top of openings by signing up with ATT job opening emails.

If you are interested in becoming a premises technician, know that you will have to take a written test.
Here's a link for the Premises technician Test reviewer.

After passing the premises technician and wire technician written test. You will have to come back for the Premises Technician Assessment.

Sample questions on the ATT PTA test are:

Do you have customer service experiences and have you ever had to deal with an anger customer? They will be looking for keywords that you have experience or you can use your current experience to handle an angry customer.

Another question they will ask is how do you feel about overtime? Being a premises technician you will be expected to work over time. Make sure you are prepare to work over time, because if you are hired as a premise technician, you will have six months probation, where you are expected to come to work everyday.

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Best of luck in your job search.

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Premise Tech Benefits

Premise Tech Benefits

What kind of benefits can you expect working as a premise technician?

Well, after your six months probation, you will be eligible for 401k matching up to 6%, which is very generous nowadays.

Your medical benefits is awesome,  since premise technician don't pay any premiums to cover self and family.

You will get about 11 paid holidays, give or take a day. On your first year you will accrue 80 hours of vacation time.

So, overall premise technicians get a pretty good benefit package.

If you wish to share benefits information feel free to comment below.

Best of Luck.

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What Does A Premise Technician Do?

What Does A Premise Technician Do?

Before you become a premises technician, you will have to pass a premises technician written test.
After you pass the written tests, you will be scheduled to take the Premises technician Asssessment test, which is an interview process with the local area managers.

It is the premises technician's job to install AT&T U-verse. Aside from installing, it is also the tech's job to educate the customer on how to use the U-verse features and functionality. They will have to verify that all the connections are working properly and the customer is satisfied before leaving the job site.

Premises technician's will also have to do customer service for unhappy customers or customers that are having a bad experience with their connection or service. The premises technician will need to be able to handle customer complaints and handle them in a very professional manner.

What is the schedule like?

For west coast technician's they are currently working 8am-4pm for day shift and 11am-7:30pm for swing.
But be ready for overtime since AT&T is expanding and business is doing very well.

What is the pay like?

The pay is something that you will have to negotiate with the HR hiring manager. Once you get the call, make sure to communicate with the HR hiring manager your qualifications and let them know that you are tech savvy. Tell them that you know your way around a computer and setting up routers, so you can be considered for the higher starting pay.

Best of luck!

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